Set up your paths like a pro

You can apply your self-adhesive vinyl paths on a wide variety of substrates, as long as they provide a clean, dry, smooth, non-porous surface free from traces of oil, grease, wax, silicone or the like. polluting agents.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, assume that all surfaces are dirty and need to be cleaned.

If the stickers are not installed on the day of reception, it is advisable to store them flat in a dry place. If you are installing your games on a surface composed of vinyl tiles, terrazzo or other materials that require a protective wax, we recommend that you wax your games and surfaces after installation. This will trap the games in your floor.

Usually, a good scrub is enough to accommodate the games. If your floors need to be stripped soon, take this opportunity to do so before installation. This will give you a brand-new floor for your games.

Note that it is recommended to apply a coat of wax before installation to clog the pores of the floor. Make sure it is dry before installation.

Once the games are placed on the ground, optimal adhesion of the glue is obtained after 24 hours of installation.

Therefore, it is necessary to allow the time necessary between the installation and the moment to apply your 4 coats of waxes recommended post-installation. Installation on a surface that is never waxed.Our products can be installed directly on a floor without wax. This is the case for linoleum, marmoleum, smooth ceramic and varnished terrazzo floors. The installation instructions are the same as for a waxed floor. However, the motor runs must be maintained using cleaning products and non-aggressive household detergents. However, clean carefully with hot water not exceeding 35°C.

Warning: corrosive solvents and detergents are to be avoided.

If maintenance personnel use a machine to mop or polish floors. Commercial floor cleaning machines need a soft pad.

Si le personnel de maintenance utilise une machine pour éponger ou polir les sols. Les machines de nettoyage de sol commerciales ont besoin d’un tampon doux. In order to offer you durable self-adhesive courses with vibrant colors, we only use high-end materials, making installation easier, ensuring good hold and preventing color fading. We guarantee the products against any manufacturing defect for a period of 1 year following the delivery date of your purchase.

Longevity depends on the type of service your maintenance personnel can provide. If the surface is waxed, as we recommend, the longevity will last as long as you want or until stripping the floor.

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